Contact made with another Atlantis owner
Many thanks to Cal Keen, for recent emails sharing his appreciation for my Atlantis blog efforts, which he has found very useful in his own build.
Thank you for the kind words... appreciated. Here is Cal's recent email to me :)
" Hello Steve,
A brief description of the photos:
Atlantis in van: I am lucky to have a vehicle large enough that I can transport the boat fully rigged.

Sheets inside hull, close-hauled: I made a tray that slides back to the rear of the hull, all the way to the rear pulley for the sail winch. This is so the sheets don't get tangled in the electronics.

Internal tray slid back showing carrying handle and electronics:
the carrying handle is the black tube shown in the picture. What I did was drill and tap 1/4" threads into the ballast weight, screw some bolts into it through the black aluminum tube. I can remove the cabin, slightly pay out the sails, slide the tray back, and carry the boat like a 38 lb. pc. of luggage.
It really works quite well. When I get to the pond, wearing high top rubber boots, I just set her in the water,slide the tray closed, set the cabin in place, and get underway. The pond where we sail is not subject to heavy seas, so I don't need the screwed down cover under the main cabin.

I am far from finished top-sides, but I am happy to be at the point of being able to sail.
I bought the Atlantis as a retirement gift to myself, 2 years ago. I did some work on her and then did other things for about a year. Now I have renewed interest in finishing the project.
I hope I haven't bored you with my notes and photos, I just want you to know that you have been somewhat of an inspiration to me to finish my project. I am looking forward to photos and notes of your finished Atlantis. Cal Keen "
Cheers for the input Cal !
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