Friday, November 11, 2005

Arrivals update

Yesterday, my deck planking arrived from

Packed tightly within a plastic tube, I have only had a peak in side, took out a handful.. They are fantastic, the quality, grain and machining surpass my expectations 10 fold..... they are magnificent.

My sincere thanks to Keith at modelling timbers, for simply fabulous service with my order, his advice, courtesy, quality and service is what all others need to aspire to !

Make no bones about it..... order your model timbers from here, and you, too, will be thrilled :)

The basework for the new workshop has started, the new larger workshop has been ordered. All being well it will be installed /erected before Christmas.

I don't forsee much activity on the build till the new year now, with the festive season fast approaching too, + the new workshop and the logistics of transferring all the "stuff" from the old to the new.

On top of which the "doom & gloom" merchants, aka The Press, here in the UK forecast a winter of discontent, fuel crisis, and the coldest winter ever recorded in the UK ?

We shall see..... they are rarely correct......

Watch this space for any updates :)

Till then ...... happy modelling.