Initial Plank Tests
While waiting delivery of some differing types of wood plank, I have been "testing" the supplied robbe planks.
Here is my first test, ABC, all using the robbe planks.
A = initial test using a permanent marker on the plank edges and across the cuts. Planks then sanded and coated with one coat of robbe wood wax ( supplied in Atlantis wood pack)
The marker, gave the "planked " impression I am after, however the ink "bled" quite severely across the grain.... So not happy with this, just yet.
However there is a "side effect" that I do like.... the friction of the sanding action, "spread" the ink all over the planks, giving an instant weathered effect, which I quite like.
B= is actually the same planks, laid as is, untreated, but sanded...... hmm...... this is what I want to avoid !
C = is getting closer to my desired effect, but still has the bleed problem.
A trip to the local Staples office store, and purchased £7 worth of various types of permanent markers..... the "across" the grain issue of bleed is still a problem despite using an array of different markers. So I hit on the idea of using a good quality black lead pencil for these "cross grain" markings, on the ends of the planks.
I am now a little closer still to the effect I am after > After sanding down all these pieces and adding 2 coats of wood wax, the effect is starting to show I am heading in the right direction.
C= in this photo is the best result yet, But still not the result I want.

I am now thinking , "What if ?" I change the wood type, maybe the grain of different woods may improve my technique ?
Bear in mind this is natural coloured wood too, not stained, but clearly a big improvement on the original robbe idea !
I will have to wait till the new planks arrrive at the end of next week !
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