Slow ahead
The weather, here in the UK is bloomin awful..... here in the Midlands we have had several inches of rain over the past weeks.....yet still "down south" there is a drought, despite this being a very , very wet May..
But..... as it rained..... again ! I only managed an hour gardening, then I was confined to "the workshop" work on my Robbe Atlantis Schooner :-)
The weather is far too damp, to attempt spraying the hull yet, so that will have to wait a while, probably after our annual holiday in a weeks time.
For today, I worked on fitting the forward bow support.....what a pain in the a** that is ! Took me hours to get it to fit.... and align the flanged nut under the forward deck-eye hole !
Can't really give you any advice, except, persevere, trim, try, trim, try and trim a bit more till it fits! Seems to me , the purpose of this part is only to provide support for that forward deck eye-bolt, and spread any loading it takes from the foresail.
I then fitted the 2 mast per the "destructions" and drilled the various holes in the deck "A" frames.... Whilst doing this, some parts came unstuck .. these A frames are only butt jointed with Ca.. so are not very strong. ( so needed re-gluing)
I have seen these replaced with aluminium on a German this always an option.

Assembling the "legs /supports" for these A frames, involves, decapitating some 2mm bolts, so you are left with the threaded parts.. these are then inserted into brass sleeves and soldered with 7mm thread protruding in the flanged part and 4mm on the other end.
BE WARNED....... in my case, and admittedly, I have used thicker planks than the Robbe original ( 1.5 mm v Robbe 1.2mm ) the 7mm thread projection IS INSUFFICIENT to attach the nuts under the deck...
I had to reheat these parts and pull the threaded area out to about 10mm so I can screw the brass nuts on...
Thats about the sum of my full day "shed dwelling" today :)
Still nothing received from Robbe, in respect of the few missing hardware parts identified earlier ...... maybe next week.....?
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