Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hmm ?

When setting up the masts, I found that the forestay, seemed a little short.. I measured it.. and it is exactly the correct length... however, when placing the 75mm block under the jib boom ( as instructed) I found I couldnt "rake" the forward mast rearwards ( again, as stated in the instructions)

This puzzled me, ( and still does) so I simply added in a small (strong) split ring.. which gave me an extra 1/4 inch or so... and allowed the rake of the masts.

I have no idea where (?) I have evidently lost this length... maybe the brass wire bending too short ? nope... I checked... most odd..

So be warned.. you may be lucky... and not have the problem at all, however, if you do.. there is a solution.