Shrouds continued....

Okay.. so now we have the masts, pretty well completed, time to try and install on the deck..
Hmm.. I failed miserably yesterday... you need the arms of an Octopus to hold things steady, check for vertical and tighten up the shrouds !
Today, I was prepared... after consulting my friend Taylor Sparks...
Firstly, learn from my mistakes... one of these, that is so glaring.. is those deck eye bolts.. to which the mast shrouds attach...
If you have followed the Robbe Atlantis instructions, you will have these screwed in, all the way to the deck... Doh !!
Trust me... unscrew these OUT about a third of their length.. I didn't !!
You will need this adjustment... as I found out.. too late !!
Okay.. so more or less get each mast as vertical as possible... when viewed from the stern.. (unlike this picture.. which shows they need adjustment)
Now I am still, an not happy about the soldering of the steel shrouds, so again, I sought advice.
As the mast shrouds, would appear to take a fair bit of the strain, I chose to secure these, using an idea from Taylor Sparks.. ( rather than the stabilit method I used on the stay wires.

Quite simply... crimp the shrouds in place, one at a time.. then take the loose end of the shroud and thread through an additional brass sleeve ( you will need to supply these) Add flux, and tin this sleeve, as well as the original sleeve with solder..
Now clamp the new sleeve tightly up against the original and solder in situ.. this will effectively secure the shroud in an S bend..
The idea & sketch courtesy of Taylor Sparks. A photo of "one I made earlier" :)

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