Out of Stock
I had hoped to start masking her hull off today ready for painting preparation, but found I had ony 3 foot of tape left !
Ah well... carry on with section 15 then: The SailWinch
I opted for the recommended Robbe SW1 inch # 8336. Mightily expensive though, ( I hope its worth it!) I am aware , many others have used the cheaper Hi Tec sail winch ( this would save you around £40GBP !! )
With the Atlantis instructions, there is a supplimentary sheet, showing dimensions for cutting the supplied servo mount wooden block to size.
I found the dimples /drill markings on the abs base plate to be incorrect( presumably as the specified winch type /model has changed thro the Atlantis life-time).

I recommend that you drill these holes to suit your specific servo width.
DO remember to drill pilot holes, for both the self tapping screws and the top servo screws.
I also assembled the three pulley blocks.. I dabbed a little superglue on the nut once in position.. alternatively you could use screw lock.. you certainly don't want your nuts to fall off !

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