Men & Women with Atlantis

As I have found so little on the web concerning the Atlantis, owners or builders, I am actively collecting and linking ( with owners permission!) to those sites.
My hope is to provide a resource centre for all of us who own one of these superb models.
You will find my "favourite links" page on my personal site
is updated as a priority, so do check them often.
It has taken many, many hours, surfing activity to get those few !
However, as in all things, there are" some" losers !
Regrettably " some" I have approached for permission to link have refused, and insisted I remove all traces, fortunately the "true modeller" mostly gives their blessing.
So onward with the research and the build !
Just as a taster, here's a few fab models you can look forward to, ( and the standard I aspire to build to !)

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